Ajoka Productions


Ajoka Productions is the only independent TV production company that is committed to the ideal of entertainment with a social purpose. At a time when commercialism has become the hallmark of independent television productions, devoid of a meaningful production, that is possible to combine entertainment with social relevance.

Ajoka has produced telefilms drama serials, drama series, songs and documentaries. The theme include human rights, women’s rights, religious freedom, family planning, peace and honour killing.

Pakistan’s Best kept Secret: Lahore Museum, 2019
(Duration: 60 minutes)

Pakistan's Best Kept Secret0

The film features Anwar Akhtar, director of Samosa Media, in conversation with the Lahore Museum’s ex-director Sumaira Samad and playwright Shahid Nadeem (Ajoka Theatre). They view the Museum's collection, and discuss the future role of the institution within Pakistan’s wider social, political, religious and cultural context today as well as Pakistan’s relationships with Britain. The film premiered in May 2019, simultaneously at Birkbeck University, London and the Institute for Art and Culture, Lahore.
Available from Ajoka and Samosa Media, UK. (aa@sbcuk.com)

Take Me Home, Boatman
(Duration: 30 minutes, 2018)

Take Me Home, Boatman

A documentary on Punjab’s customs and traditions, produced by Ajoka Productions for the Institute for Art and Culture and the Government of Punjab. Directed by Shahid Nadeem.
Deen, a European visitor, arrivesin Lahore to attend a friend’s wedding. She crosses the ancient River Ravi to reach a Punjabi village and is fascinated by the rich and colourful customs of Punjab. She finds a society which is resilient and closely bonded and people are warm and welcoming.
Available in English, Urdu and Punjabi versions from PILAC and Ajoka.

(Drama Serial)


Comedy of a different type.
Khush-haal-pura is the story of ordinary people of inner Lahore like a talkative barber, a cunning shopkeeper, an innocent wrestler, a crafty counselor, a sleazy school master and their extra-ordinary lives.



Mujahid is Ajoka’s telefilm on the Jihadi issue. The film does not pass any judgment but it is an attempt to study why our youth have become so desperate to go and fight someone else’s battle in an alien land.



Sahara has been produced by Ajoka Productions for Abrar-ul-Haq’s, Sahara for Life Trust. The telefilm is produced to highlight the safety and protection of Mother and Child.



Ajoka’s teleplay on Kaaro Kaari (Honor Killing).
Jawaz is a fictional account of the proceedings of a panchayat of men sitting on judgment of their own women, who are accused of violating the tribal of honor.




Ajoka's tele-serial on honor killing.
The story revolves around one girl and her struggle to escape from her own family and tribe who want to murder her in the name of honor.



Ajoka’s acclaimed long play on the issue of stove deaths. Adapted from Ajoka Theatre play “CHULLHA”.


Ajoka production’s documentary on Bishop John Joseph, who sacrificed his life for the cause of human rights. The documentary has been shown in over 15 countries and was selected as a part of South Asian Documentary Festival.